Spirit & Psyche Ritual Circle
5 Week Live-Online Gathering
Thank you for considering stepping into the Spiral of this human experience with more depth and attentiveness.
If you’ve been near me for some time, you know I love to play with payment structures. As someone who started this life well under the poverty line, and someone who’s also been in various levels of financial flow and stagnancy, I have a deep trust in this energetic exchange and the timing of it all.
When we’re honest with ourselves and where we put our energy, attention, finances and life force, the guidance will come about how and where to move our energy.
So you’ll see below, there are a few payment options.
Note: This fall, I will be offering a super rich, small group Ceremony & Ritual Facilitator Training. I am honestly so over the moon about this, that I can barely handle it! It will not be a training about doing things my way, but instead will be one that utilizes your personal cosmology of belief, values, lived experience, training, and inspiration.
My work will be to help in keeping you and your participants' energy as safe and protected as possible, and helping refine the subtle ways you work to hold personal and/or group ceremony and ritual for the greatest outcome. So while I'll share many, many tools and practices, the way you put them together will be super unique to you. We will have tons of time together to process, feel through what you most want to carry forward, and stabilize your trust in the way you relate to Mystery.
Spirit & Psyche Ritual Circle is a required pre-requisite for this training.
So, if you have inspiration to start this beautiful 9 month process this fall, whatever your payment is for Spirit & Psyche Ritual Circle now, can be applied to the cost of the facilitator training.
We won't talk about or promote the facilitator training in this 5 week gathering.
Just something to note.
For now,
just a reminder,
this current 5 week gathering is for you.
All for you.
To rest
To resource yourself
To connect
To feel
To re-member
To attune
To trust
To reimagine reality.
From this 12 module process,
All videos replays are yours for at least 90 days after our circle (maybe longer).
All meditations, journeys, and Yoga Nidra practices are yours to download wherever you like, for lifetime use.
All videos and recordings will be new and present to our specific circle.
Date: May 13th - June 10th, 2024 | Virtual
CST: 6 - 7:30 PM
PST: 5 - 6:30 PM
EST: 8 - 9:30 PM