For many years now I’ve been living with the rhythms of the moon and while it’s challenging to put the experience into words I can simply say, my life feels more lived. I feel far more connected to the dynamic creative flow Life and the blessings of the subtle. The moon circles I’ve been holding are an honoring of these universal rhythms and pulsate with teachings of bringing the Mystery & the Manifest into divine harmony.
Each module in this course create a solid foundation for living with depth, harmony, clarity and joy. Each module has a specific focus: Meditation, Shamanic Journeying, Vision, Moon Rhythm, Shadow Work, Positive Psychology.
All are wrapped in the ceremonial and ritual arts, rich and connective process work, and practical spiritual hygiene practices.
Dates for next circle gathering coming soon.
Fall of 2021.

Meditation & Yoga Nidra
For me, entering the stillness to access the sounds of the soul is a daily, non-negotiable practice. This is a practice of revealing truths resting underneath a busy mind. We travel into what lies beneath thought, identity, and attachment, and reveal our original essence. It taps us into the Source of Infinite Love & Connection. It carries the strength and grace to unwind unconscious habituations, liberating us from unhealthy patterning. I've been teaching both for many years and have recently taken 2 separate in-depth trainings in each respective arena.
Yin & Restorative Yoga & Sound Bathing
In these slower, nourishing classes I find speaking subtly, carefully, and bringing light to the energy we are building, clearing, or freeing up to be particularly powerful and effective in these soft spaces. Intermittently weaving in dharma talks, lunar rhythm wisdom, positive psychology and breath-work are tools we'll utilize to meander through inner territories of wisdom & great healing potential.
Bhakti Vinyasa Yoga
This style of yoga emerged from a background rooted in the traditions of Bhakti, Tantra, and Iyengar Yoga. I love to flow consciously and creatively in a physical class, honoring the physical form by igniting the formless. I have a sweet spot for working hard, but doing so mindfully, with steadiness and a light heart. By integrating teachings of energetic anatomy, alignment of physical body, & attunements to nature, our focus is on a radiant light body, and we’ll always have a strong foundation of meditation and mantra as well as musings of the present moment for a full and integrative experience.

We all have a vast inner sanctuary, which if accessed regularly keeps us aligned with our soul’s purpose, our north star.
Ceremony & Ritual helps us create well-lit pathways to commune with the sacred as a guide to navigating through the necessary healing, growth, and expression for the highest good of all Life. Engaging in ceremony & ritual communicates to Universe~Mystery~Divine~God~Source that we are awake to the whole experience of living and asserts a deep trust in the benevolent support that rests in the unseen. It’s the way to assert our gratitude, deep respect, and honor for that which often cannot always be seen but can always be felt as support.
These practices serve to make and hold space for clearly aligning our words, thoughts, and actions with our heart’s prayers, opening up a much more clear pathway for spirit allies and heart guides to work through.
I love to share ceremony & ritual gatherings around the cycles of the moon, the passages of seasons, life transitions, universal shifts in energetic flow, and especially to get to the heart of each person’s unique Soul Print.
Read more on Seattle Yoga News.
For private events, my hourly rate is $200/hour, 2 hour minimum.

The root of positive psychology is exploring what is working and growing from that place. There are a four basic introductions to the practice: Define what success means to us personally at a deep heart level. Identify our strengths and draw from those to uplift the places that are ripe for growth and learning. Practice presence with what is true beyond fear and doubt. Rise to the challenge of learning, growing, clearing, and creating what is being called forth.
Why I think Positive Psychology and Shadow Work are such powerful companions is this: Shadow work is often challenging. Its energy pulls us down, weighing on our psyche and soul. Drawing shadow pieces up and out of the depths to look at it, feel it, and understand it, is no easy feat! So if we want to liberate ourselves from what lurks in the shadows, we need to start on steady ground. I have found building up the foundation of a beautifully mapped mind (meditation & positive psychology) to be the greatest support in meeting challenges, relieving fear amongst the fast moving parts of transformation, and maintaining a deep trust in Mystery as we do real and meaningful healing work.
These are both roots of my personal practice, private client practice and group teaching.
If you'd like to learn more about connecting 1:1, have a look here.
Both of these modes of inner inquiry and process are also woven into Spirit & Psyche Moon Circle.

Private sessions take many forms utilizing the medicine of deep shadow work, positive psychology, sound vibration, journey work, heart journeying, and reiki as tools to heal and lighten up the energy field, freeing up essential prana to be more clearly directed toward each person's beautifully unique Soul Purpose.
Mentorship is for yoga teachers, students learning shamanic practices; spiritual and energetic hygiene, the intricacies and applications for meditation, journeying, and visioning, creating ceremony & ritual to do personal process work or learning how to hold a sacred container for your communities.
Shadow & Light Sessions are a deep exploration of latent shadow material, processing, clearing & stabilizing in our original light and medicine.
Heart Medicine Journeys are in person only, so on hold at this time.
Mentorship & Discovery Sessions are a great option for continuing education in the sacred arts.
Currently, I've opened a few extra spaces in my schedule during this time of social spaciousness.

I cannot wait to share this super accessible, practical guide to living as a Modern Mystic!! We’ll practice bite sized tools and techniques honoring the sacred in everyday living.
This teaching platform is a culmination of thousands of hours, training programs, degrees, guided and solo journeys, and a deep love for Living the Magic of the Mystery.
I’ve been working away at bringing together both modern & ancient technologies of coming into right relationship with the subtle and practical to support living with both depth and real joy and peace. This is a culmination of years of learning from a rich lineage of teachers: Shamans, Seers, Visionaries, Meditators, Psychologists, Energy Workers, & Scholars. We'll step into alignment with the Creative Flow of the Universe and root into what's most meaningful for our personal practices of Living Awake.
Please email me if you’d like to be notified when this course is released!