Clear Mind. Bright Heart. Soul Vision. Women's Wisdom.
This offering has many expressions. In depth, light hearted and shortened, live or online, and as full 3-7 day retreats. Connect with me if you'd like this style of circle to enhance your community work.
What you can expect to feel woven through this sacred gathering:
A more steady and focused mind
Spaciousness of being
A generous and loving heart field
Energetically and psychologically empowered
A masterfully attuned inner-spiritual tool-kit
The natural stored ancestral memory of pure blissful awareness.
This super unique gathering circle is designed for:
Wellness Students & Providers
Women who want to feel held, honored, and connected inside a ceremony and ritual space.
Fulfilling the natural desire to experience a:
Clear calm mind.
Wise and loving heart.
And a precise and activated Soul Vision.
This space is well suited for any level of spiritual practitioner.
Whatever your level of commitment to your practices has been, this is a welcome space to deepen your connection to Source, just as you are in this present moment.
Let's take a look at the rhythm:
We always start with ceremony. Always. Ceremony is our container for holding the divine sphere of wisdom and care while we settle our weary minds, access the voice of our hearts, listen to what is calling for healing and activate to enliven our creative soul potential!
The Moon Circles I hold are one of my greatest loves.
They deeply honor the sacred feminine, the arts of inner seeing, intuiting, healing in community, growing in community, deepening our connection to the subtle, and empowering one another to fully live into our Soul Purpose.
Module One: Meditation
Three styles of Meditation: Spaciousness, Loving Kindness, Energetic Empowerments.
Meditation is the gateway for clear seeing. For divine knowing. For creating more ease in body, mind, and spirit. For dissolving the ego and experiencing life through the field of Loving Awareness. In this circle, we’ll practice 3 ancient techniques with absolute modern relevance and choose a style that most speaks to you.
Module Two: The Journey
Three Sacred Journeys:
Awaken the Vision, Live the Vision, Support Community Vision. Besides being an amazing tool that modern science has shown to boost the immune system, reduce anxiety and cortisol, and increase creativity, shamanic journeying is also one of the oldest known cross-cultural healing techniques and methods for quieting the thinking mind and opening up greater pathways for connecting to the Wisdom Field.
Module Three: Positive Psychology.
Bright Mind. The Bright Heart:
Positive Psychology is so much more than positive thinking. It’s a full and powerful skill-set to bring brain and body, thought and emotion into a more coherent, unified field.
For this circle, our processing practices in positive psychology will help build focus around what is working well in the NOW to create a stable ground and generate a flow of abundance, we’ll get clear on what success means to you from a deep heart level, identify your strengths and how they can greatly support the places in your life that are ripe for growth, and how you can rise up to the call to fully embody your Soul Purpose.
Module Four: The Shadow
Track your blind spots. Find freedom.
Shadow work is following the hardwired programming that continually produces unconscious conditioned responses, or the habitual actions or thought patterns that can greatly diminish the living experience of wholeness. With shadow work, we are shown how we become triggered into default spaces of shame, guilt, rage, envy, power hunger, hiding, hurt, disconnection, etc.
Our 1st level of processing will be utilizing meditation and shamanic journeying to help identify and acknowledge these shadow patterns. Our 2nd level of processing will be Shadow Tracking: a practice to kindly follow and tend the wounded, fragmented parts of ourselves, and finally the 3rd level of processing is to call our whole, perfect, and beautiful Being-ness into presence.
Module Five: Activated Soul Vision
Clear In-Sight into Empowered Action
In this module, we’ll practice the art of visioning from the access point of deep stillness, move through an authentic feeling space, and from there, generate high-quality emotion (joy, gratitude, contentment, healing, liberation, compassion, love, etc).
This alchemical process helps to reshape our physical and energetic wiring so that we begin to magnetize and open our attention to synchronicities that align with our Heart & Soul Vision. This alignment sets us on the pathway to live our Soul Purpose with deeper integrity, clarity, and wisdom.
These circles have been held in so many ways. This year what came through with crystal clarity, was the need for a much shorter gathering, focusing on foundational but eternal spiritual skills to help us all consciously build vibrant new pathways into the cosmic web. Spirit & Psyche Moon Circle is a space to nourish psyche and soma, soul vision wisdom, and to skillfully re-orient our spiritual practices to honor ancient knowings with present moment aliveness.
When we are teaching or up-leveling our own sense of spiritual aliveness, mental health, and nature wisdom practices, it’s imperative that we fill our own soul cup to the brim. And often.
I’ve crafted this beautiful gathering space to give you enough context in each method, but to really focus on processing, healing, and creating a generative field to enjoy the lived experience to the fullest.
Our time together will have ample processing space which is clearly needed now more than ever to digest the massive outpouring of psychic material, to:
Assimilate new and ancient skills for personal and collective evolution.
Eliminate sticky old shadow material.
Vision something of beauty into the manifest reality in a way that only you can do with your unique soul blueprint.
What You'll Experience:
The soul filled ahhhhhh.
What's Included:
Preparation Video the week before circle begins to help you set in rituals of support for our 5 weeks together.
Weekly Live (online) 90 Minute Ceremony & Ritual Circle with space for connection, developing and deepening practical skills of insight, healing, and personal growth.
Sundays 10:30am-12:00pm
Weekly Live (online) mini-practices, office hour check-ins and process questions. Wednesdays 4:15--5:00pm
Private FB group to share weekly inspirations, process, and connections.
Audio recordings for each module to use when you have down time, are on the road, or just want to deepen your practices.
A super sweet booklet to use alongside each module to enhance the deepening experience.
*All Zoom Moon Room gatherings will be recorded for you to connect in at your leisure.
The Moon Rhythm & Moon Mapping Class
Encoded in the rhythms of the moon are deeply intelligent patterns and pathways that gently call us to listen and follow for the most beneficial utilization of our life energy.
Working within this Moon Wisdom framework, you'll be able to easily align your own personal life rhythms; your work, spiritual practice, play, close relationships, social time etc. within a linear/Western calendar for the optimum preservation of your energy. Have your calendar handy!
Self Study. Shared toward the end of our circle after we've rooted in the practices.
You'll also get a Moon Map printable I created last year as a sweet visual tool.