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 Woven: A Ceremony, Ritual, & Circle
Facilitator Training 
with Amber Tande 

Why Circle

The Calling

If you’ve landed here, I suspect this calling you have is an ancient one.

The knowing in your bones that these sacred ways of gathering in circle are pure and true soul medicine.

The knowing in your heart that our relationship to Life is the only thing that is going to maintain a sustainable and thriving inner and outer ecosystem.

The knowing in your being that this is not only about you, or me; it’s about Us.

All of Us.

All of Life.


And the knowing that circle by circle by

ritual by ritual,

ceremony by ceremony

WE have the power to reweave a beautiful and connective way of  being here in togetherness.

Clouds and Sunset

The Circle

The Woven Circle, Ritual, & Ceremonialist Facilitator Training is first and foremost an inner pilgrimage.


A personal healing, processing, integrating, and growing circle.


And then it is a facilitator training.


When I sift through what I know for sure,


it is that gathering in circle,


with intention,


in a clear container,


is a potent generator of healing, transformation, and growth like nothing else.  

And that the more fragmented our outer structures and connections become, the more imperative it is to have many, many, super connectors to weave ourselves into wholeness.


I know what makes a powerful container is not only what information the facilitator has to share, but how committed they are to the integrity of the circle, how allowing they are to what is revealed, how authentic to their own cosmology, and how rooted in their own practices and inner work they are.


This will not be a training about doing things my way, but instead will be a training that utilizes your personal cosmology of belief, values, lived experience, training, and inspiration.  


I will certainly share techniques and tools that cross several lineages and practice, but I will be helping you distill the subtle ways you work to hold personal and/or group ceremony, ritual or circle spaces for the greatest outcome, to recognize the nuance between ceremony, ritual, and circle, best placement and practice, and refining the skills you already have.

We will have tons of time together to process,  feel through what you most want to carry forward, and stabilize your trust in the way you relate to Mystery.


Ceremonies are ways of honoring, what was and that potent space between what is, and what is becoming.




Why Ceremony,

Ritual, & Circle Wisdom?


Where do we go when we can’t count on outcomes?

What do we do when we’re consistently thrown off balance by things like

New Life surprises

Job insecurity

Erratic weather patterns
Cultural crisis
Health crisis

Creative Blocks

Relational changes

Shifts in family and community dynamics


We go to the Wisdom Ways

We return to ritual rhythms

We engage more deeply with Life through ceremony

We circle up

We connect as witness, reflector, and someone who is deeply seen

to bring clarity to the unseen and unspoken

and we re-member the forgotten ways.


Ceremonies, rituals, and circling are ways of honoring and relating to, what came before and that potent space between what is present in the now, and what is becoming.  

They are the sacred keys to healing, growth, clear visioning and creating new potential realities in the Field.

Becoming more masterful with the craft of relearning, sharing, and returning to Circle is an absolute necessity if we are to flourish as individuals, as communities, and as a species.


There is deep nourishing power in the gift of seeing more clearly, feeling with more clarity, and trusting in your unique ways of knowing. 


Utilizing your specialized gifts and tools


Honoring lineages named and un-named,

that have gifted these ways for the times we're in and for those to come


within a body that can rest,


that is well equipped to heal and regenerate


and with a clear mind that deeply understands 


when and where and how to share and hold;




is the quiet revolution for thriving.


Let's walk this walk together.​


If you sense now is the time to step onto the Spiral in full rested presence, reach out.


You're welcome to set up a 15 minute call with to talk through it, ask questions, and get clarity on right space, right use of energy.


Or we can just chat about how exciting and beautiful it is when we come together in these ways, refine our sense of purpose, and do the work we're meant to be doing.  


Just a few of our focal points:

  • Sharpen your sacred space holding skills

  • Gather an embodied tool-box utilizing non-appropriated ceremonial techniques that stream through your personal light lineage.

  • Learn how to work with shadow material and beautiful transformations that arise in your group with grace and wisdom.

  • The nuance between circle, ritual, and ceremony.

  • Opening and closing an energetic container responsibly.

  • The cardinal directions and how they come through you authentically.

  • Calling in your personal allies.

  • Calling on allies for your group and the ceremonial space.

  • Keeping clear energetic boundaries of space and place as a sacred space holder.

  • Working with your live altar.

  • Energetic safety techniques for yourself and participants.

  • Intuiting rhythms and rituals that serve your group.

  • Honoring the land and original people where you’re holding the ceremony.

  • Creating altars from the heart of the group.

  • Allowing the ceremony & ritual to “speak” rather than relying on ideas of how the ceremony should go.

  • Heart strong: mind soft as the Way In.

  • Cultural appropriation in ceremony or circle spaces.

  • Sacred rest practices.

  • Drum Journeying.

  • Personal ceremony for the group ceremony.

  • Resting on your lineage of practice, process, and wisdom and from that space crafting beautiful, meaningful, circles, rituals, or ceremonies.

As we come together to deepen our relationship to ourselves as ceremonialists and holding spaces with wisdom and responsibility, we’ll learn tools to work with shadow material that often arises within the healing spaces and how to work with it to create beauty.

This includes our own triggers, traumas and sensitivities and how they might cloud our work.  

So the above is just a starting list. I'm nearly certain as the process unfolds we'll each come into a deeper awareness of where we feel steady and where we could use some extra attention.

We'll also be able to craft ceremony or ritual processing for specific healing, visioning, releasing, and aligning as world events unfold and unmetabolized inner material arises.

Traditional Drums

The Rhythm

Over years of having multiple businesses, 3 kids, moving too many times to count, a full life, and a non-negotiable deep and rich spiritual practice, I think I've come to a pretty sweet rhythm.  One that I hope will feel the same for you too.  

Moving at a pace that often feels too fast or rushed makes it very challenging to do ceremonial work.  Moving too slow feels like moving mud.

There's a real sweet spot between a strong commitment to the practices, processing, creating ample rest spaces, living a householder lifestyle and weaving it beautifully into the day to day so it becomes a more natural way of being than something we do.


Each Moon Cycle we have:​


2 Tuesdays per month 90-120 minutes


3rd Tuesday: One 25-30 minute simple practice teaching.


4th Tuesday  Open spaciousness.  Personal ritual. Catch up.


One monthly 2-3 hour ceremony, ritual, circle practice.

Saturdays 10-1ish Pacific Time (+/-- 2hrs)


3 1:1 Mentoring Calls


At least one audio practice per moon cycle


What's App group for support, questions, and processing.


Exact timing and time zone will be solidified by mid-September.


I want Nov. & Dec. to be a slow and sweet building of our collective root system, nervous system regulation, and swimming through nectar sweet waters.

No going into Western holiday season with an overfilled plate.


My hope is that by the time we enter the winter, we're seeing, intuiting, and then visioning more precisely.


So I've scheduled our gatherings in a way that I think will feel spacious and supportive of the late fall to winter calendar.


Our start date:


Saturday, November 2nd. 10am-1ish

We are going all the way into practices, set up, processing and prayer and meditation circling.


Tuesday Nov. 5th, short recorded practice.


Tuesday Nov. 12th & 19th  90-120 min.


Tuesday Nov. 26th  Rest. Open spaciousness. Personal ritual. Catch up. Rest more.



Tuesday Dec. 3rd & 10th  90-120 min.


Tuesday Dec.17th  Short practice


Saturday Dec. 21st  Winter Solstice Ceremony


Tuesday Dec. 24th & 31st rest week.

*I will share a New Year's Eve audio practice for our group based on what shows up in our first couple of months.


2025 dates will come to you via email but will follow a schedule similar to the above.


*Time commitment is roughly 10 hours a moon cycle.

For my friends who can't help but to mathematically map out the year, it's about 90 hours in practice and process. 

And hopefully over time you will just find so many of the practices, macro and micro, so beautifully woven through your daily life, that time will feel spacious and sacred through most of your experiences.





If you've worked with me before, you know I like to play with payment structures quite a bit.  This particular offering has taken months to sit with mentors, teachers, and myself feeling into how much energy and time I can exchange while keeping in respectful integrity with myself.  


So what has come through is a 3 tier pricing option.  As it goes with most numbers like this, I know for some it will feel like a monumental financial investment and some will find it well underpriced.  

There's room for all of it here.


Resting Soil Pricing: I think of these periods that might feel more financially “dry” as the pause in between planting. This is the price if a little community “watering” would be helpful and you’re needing a bit of financial assistance.



Sustainer Pricing: This is the base price for me and the folks assisting to hold the container for 9 months.



Abundance Pricing: This is the price if you have the means to uplift someone else at this time. The extra $500 will directly pay the remainder for someone at the discounted Resting Soil rate. Your heart and mind may just bloom a garden of joy for spreading the love.

(*if a smaller offering feels more comfortable, you’re welcome to add whatever you like to the Sustainer price and we’ll make sure it’s pooled for folks who need it).



If you're all in, Email me.

Registration Process & Other Notes

​Group size and registration cut off date.

I am planning to keep this group quite small so that I have ample energy to work with the group as a whole and to be very available to each circle member as we walk this path together.  

My greatest hope is that you complete this next year feeling more clear, confident, and empowered to work in the Loving Unseen with focus and delight.


I want to give everyone a long runway to dream on it, feel into it.

That said, I will be closing the doors when it's full.


My hope is that you'll get at least a full month or two of personal preparation--recommitting to your personal practices, doing any healing work needed, attuning your energetic hygiene, and returning to rhythms your soul is calling for.


Where does this take place?  

In your own sanctuary.

This is an online program.  

Although I love, love to be together in person, I'm finding this online way to be a beautiful opportunity to clear our own spaces, energize them, rest more deeply, and fortify how it is that we are tending to our own practices and processing.

And when holding spaces, you must have your own space that is energized and upholds the energy you want to feel on a regular basis.


Certificate Program?

There will be a certificate.  I have in-between feelings about proving our life process and viability as a sacred vessel, with certificates, degrees, and documents (I'm a bit of a hoarder of such things) AND I recognize that they can be a helpful tool for following our lineages of teachings and practices with integrity.

To receive the certificate, you'll be holding a ceremony, ritual, or group circle.  It can be personal, small group, or large group.  

You'll know by late winter what is most needed.  

You might be surprised.



If you're feeling the call, email me and I'll send you a the brief "application." It's simply to get a sense of what this circle (which is a representative of the whole) needs most at this time.  There is no right or wrong.


When I receive your answers I'll send you payment links and then we're on!


Phone Call

I'd love to have a 15 minute phone call if you want to talk through it or ask questions.  Email me and we'll set up a time. Or, if you already have my number, send me a text and we'll book something right away.  What's App is preferred (not necessary though).


Also, I have a 25 minute audio overview.  If you'd like that, email me.


Blessings. Always.

If you have read through all the way to here, however it works out, I am quite positive this work is wanting to come through you in some way or another, now or later, here or there.  For whatever way it comes to be, I wish you and your ways, your lineages and your legacies many, many blessings.


Love to you.


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