Becoming Infinite
Women's Costa Rica Retreat
May 14th--21st 2025
Ceremony. Ritual. Yoga Nidra. Meditation. Movement. Vision.

We are in wild and wonderful, challenging, and swiftly transforming times.
What I hope for all of us is that we take many opportunities to step outside of our day to day and continue to reimagine the beauty of becoming.
That we turn our attention to the Wisdom of community and more specifically, healing, playing, and praying in community.
Where all is amplified.
That we lay down burdens of shame, guilt, fear, and outdated small ways of seeing reality.
And that we crystalize the truth in these bodies and minds, that this expression of life is the most true and beautiful gift.
And that in this remembrance, we celebrate, in joy and delight.
This is a space to walk right through the edges of the small self and step into living consciously awake,
feeling whole, prepare, trusting, and inspired to live this embodied experience to the fullest.

Image--clearly not Costa Rican weather. I'll have to change out if I ever remember to take a photo while in CR!
What you can expect to feel woven through this sacred gathering:
Spaciousness of being.
A more steady and focused mind.​
A generous and loving coherent heart and mind.
Energetically and psychologically empowered
A masterfully attuned inner-spiritual tool-kit.
The natural stored ancestral memory of pure blissful awareness.
Clarity about how to apply the magical to the practical.
When we are teaching or up-leveling our own sense of spiritual aliveness, mental health, and nature wisdom practices, it’s imperative that we fill our own soul cup to the brim.
And often.
Moving through some intense edges over the last couple of years, I found myself answering this question hundreds of times:
"while I'm here for this brief human visit, how am I going to show up in this world?"
Repeatedly answering this question with clarity has changed me. I think it will do the same for you.
I’ve crafted this beautiful gathering space in Costa Rica to give you enough context and practice to up-level your life in a BIG WAY.
I don't say this lightly, but if we go all in, drop our old stories, drop the old programed reality, this retreat can be a serious re-route toward refreshed patterning in the system.
This time with be a gathering with a group of incredible women to amplify the power that's already within each of us and to get right to it in a magical and practical manner.
To look at where we've been holding back, where we've been stuck, where we've been waiting to live fully.
Our time together will have ample processing space which is clearly needed now more than ever to digest the massive outpouring of psychic material, to:
Assimilate new and ancient skills for personal and collective evolution.
Eliminate sticky old shadow material.
Vision something of beauty into the manifest reality in a way that only you can do with your unique soul blueprint.
One of our greatest practices will be relating to the art of sacred rest. We'll see how by, nourishing, resting, and digesting, we amplify our creativity, clarity, and enjoyment of the Mystery.

This super unique weeklong gathering circle is designed for:
Wellness Students & Providers
Women who want to feel held, honored, and connected inside a ceremony and ritual space.
Women who feel the natural pull to clear out and step into a fresh, authentic, and inspired way of being.
Women who've gotten a little lost with the worlds external state of affairs and aren't sure how to move forward empowered with purpose and grace.
Women who want to rejuvenate their skills in relating to the Mystery.
Here, we'll fulfill the natural desire to experience a:
Clear calm mind.
Wise and loving heart.
And a precise, activated Soul Vision.
This space is well suited most levels of spiritual practitioner.
Some meditation practice is highly suggested as we'll be engaging in stillness practices for long periods of time.

Let's take a look at the rhythm:
We always start with ceremony. Always. Ceremony is our container for holding the divine sphere of wisdom and care while we settle our weary minds, access the voice of our hearts, listen to what is calling for healing and activate to enliven our creative soul potential!
Please note, this list shares some of the things we’ll be “doing.”
But, what I can’t quite put into words is the magnitude of the experience.
When we step outside of past programming and patterning, the blame and guilt cycle (“it’s all because of society, or that person, or this experience/ I should, or I’m supposed to feel, do, or think) and actually attune to the power of who we are in presence, we become infinite.
So while there are beautiful doings listed below, I just want to be clear, we’re really coming together to tend to the BEING.
From that place we can look into our future and get very clear on what and how we want to create, express, feel, and experience in this gift of Life.

Sound Bathing
Sacred Visioning
Earth Blessing Ceremony
Deep communal re-connection
Local organic nourishing food.
Daily hand made herbal and adaptogenic elixirs, tonics, and smoothies to enhance regeneration.
Sweat lodge ceremony (or Moon Lodge).
Pre-retreat prep zoom call.
Recorded pre and post travel transition and decompression meditations.
Optional offerings (not included in price): Trauma informed surf lessons, horseback riding, energy & body work). Pickleball playtime, and several other adventures.
What you might experience:
Self empowerment, inspiration, great transformation, clarity, awe, wonder, creativity, gratitude, sense of purpose, compassion, love, hope, and connection to Source.
In the beautiful Blue Zone (where some of the happiest, healthiest, longest living folks live) of Nosara, Costa Rica,
a group of very intentional women will gather to:
Go a little further inward than they may have thought they could go.
Take meditations, yoga nidra, journeys and ceremony to a new edge.
And to dive into the Unknown with great skill and trust.
Daily Meditation—(like maybe a little longer than we’re used to!)
Mantra & Pranayama
Sankalpa Shakti, Yoga Nidra & Quantum Physics (they’re actually best friends)
Restorative Yoga
Yin Yoga
Slow Fluid Vinyasa (3 classes)
Jungle Walks & Beach Walks
Beach Time & Sunrise/Sunset Meditations
Conscious Lounging (that’s going to be our thing!)
Drum Journeys
Grief Ceremony & Ritual​

Details and Accommodations:
Nosara, Costa Rica is a super special place. Magical things happen here. And quickly. So if there's healing or creating that wants a little turbo charge, this might be your spot.
We will have a gorgeous retreat center with an ocean view and a sweet pool all to ourselves!
Walking distance to the beach.
Most rooms are shared and VERY spacious. The space is essentially 3 big beautiful houses woven together by common spaces (pool, practice space, main dining area). Each have their own kitchens and living rooms so there's ample space all over the property to retreat from the group when alone time is what's needed (and will be encouraged).
4 options:
A). 1 Luxury Dorm. $1995 per person (super spacious)
B). 4 to a room. $2,245 per person (super spacious)
C.) 2 to a room. $2695 per person (super spacious)
D). Private rooms with private or shared bath. $3190 per person (only one left)
(The "dorm" is a big and beautiful 6 person room--no bunks--and right off the meditation deck with an ocean view--much fancier than any dorm I've ever seen!).
The other shared rooms are super spacious as well.
Non-refundable $350 deposit.
Payment plan of 2 payments available. First payment to be made December 31st; final payment to be made January 30th, 2023
The retreat center is essentially 3 houses wrapped around a stunning communal space. Each house has it's own kitchen, living room, and huge deck, so besides your room, there's a ton of space for quiet contemplation, which will be encouraged and supported.
We'll also have collective sleep guidelines so everyone gets deep and nourishing rest each night.
If you're wanting a shared space, but don't know anyone, let me know. I'm pretty good at feeling into energetic matches and would be happy to do so for you.
For more info about accommodations or questions, or to schedule a phone chat about whether this is the right landing space for you, or if we've not met yet, email
Calls will definitely be no pressure. I'm a firm believer in right time, right space, right resonance.

Not Included:
Airfaire to and from Costa Rica
Ground transportation from Liberia Airport to Playa Pelada (though I'll share resources for getting there and when we have our pre-zoom call, we can line you up with other folks flying in at the same time).
If you are taking a shuttle from Liberia to Nosara, you will not need a car during the retreat.